This section aims to indicate the number of surgical operations related to prostate cancer diseases.
The prostate is a gland, about the size of a walnut, found only in men and located in front of the rectum.
Malignant prostate tumour is one of the most common cancers in the male population, especially in the 65+ age group. The risk factors are: family history (twice the risk of those without a family history); an elevated level of testosterone (a hormone that promotes cell growth); obesity and a high-fat diet. This type of cancer has a high percentage of positive outcomes.
It is important to know that there are indicators developed by the Italian National Healthcare Outcomes Program (Programma nazionale esiti – PNE), carried out by AGENAS on behalf of the Ministry of Health, which provide information on the number of interventions and their outcomes.
For prostate cancer, a specific indicator has been developed concerning the number of operations performed. The greater the number of surgeries performed by the healthcare centre, the greater the experience that the staff can boast.
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