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To find the hospital facility or local health center, write the health problem or health service you need information for.

For example: if you are looking for a facility for “hip replacement surgery”, write the word “hip” or if you want more information on eating disorders, write “nutrition”

Your doctor will take care of your health problem and will support you in making conscious choices about the treatment path to follow. Contact him/her for all the information you need for your health needs

Hospital care

The “Find a health center” tool provides you with information and data useful for the research of the treatments provided by public and private accredited hospitals

Hospital services are grouped into clinical areas: in each of these facilities there are some of the services and/or interventions that do not have an urgent character and they can be scheduled.

Your general practitioner will support you in the most conscious and reasonable choice. Contact him for all the information you need for your health needs

The clinical areas of reference are:

Andrology is the branch of medicine that studies humans, with particular reference to the pathologies and dysfunctions of the reproductive and urogenital system. Within this clinical area, through the “Find a health center” tool you can find the information that, at the moment, is related to the interventions of circumcision and prostate removal (prostatectomy) for benign pathologies and that do not have an urgent character:

The cardiovascular system is composed of the heart and blood vessels (aortas, veins and capillaries) within which the blood circulates and it is pumped throughout the whole body.

Within this clinical area, through the “Find a health center” tool you can find, at the moment, information regarding surgeries concerning the following pathologies which do not have an urgent character, by clicking on:

The digestive system is made up of the set of organs that allow the intake, processing and absorption of food and the subsequent elimination of residues.

Within this clinical area, through the “Find a health center” tool, you can currently find information on the interventions relating to the following pathologies that do not have an urgent character, by clicking on:


The musculoskeletal system performs functions of support and defence within the entire organism, it allows movements and it is composed of all the bones, joints and muscles.

Within this clinical area, through the “Find a health center” tool you can find, at the moment, information for some types of surgery that do not have an urgent character, by clicking on:

The respiratory system is the system that allows breathing, that is, the entry of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the body. The bronchi and lungs are essential organs. Among the diseases that affect this system, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been taken into consideration: a disease that affects the bronchi by reducing the functionality of the lungs.

Within this clinical area, through the “Find a health center” tool, you can find, at the moment, information on the number of hospitalizations carried out at national and local level.

If you want to have more detailed information on the hospitals that deal with this pathology, CLICK HERE

The urinary system allows the kidney to produce and eliminate urine. Among the organs that compose it, there is the ureter which is the conduit that allows urine to pass from the kidneys to the urinary bladder and it is present in each of the two kidneys.

Within this clinical area, through the “Find a health center” tool you can find information that, at the moment, is related to interventions that concern the extraction of a blood clot, calculus or a foreign body from the ureter and that do not have an urgent character.


The brain is the organ that deals with the control of numerous functions (for example, the control of breathing, of voluntary movements, etc.). It is part of the nervous system, that receives, transmits, controls and processes the internal and external stimuli of the body.

Within this clinical area, through the “Find a health center” tool you can currently find information about interventions concerning the unruptured brain aneurysm, for pathologies that do not have an urgent character.

If you want more detailed information on the hospitals that carry out this type of intervention, CLICK HERE

Dermatology deals with the study of the skin and the related pathologies regarding subjects of all ages, from pediatrics to the third age.

Within this clinical area, through the “Find a health center” tool you can find, at the moment, the information for some types of surgical interventions that do not have an urgent character, by clicking on:

Endocrinology is the branch of internal medicine that studies the endocrine system. It deals with the pathologies of the glands with internal secretion, that is, those that produce hormones.

Within this clinical area, through the “Find a health center” tool you can find information that, at the moment, is related to thyroidectomy interventions and that do not have an urgent character.

If you want more detailed information on the hospitals that carry out this type of intervention, CLICK HERE

Gynecology and Obstetrics provides women, from adolescence to menopause, the opportunity to find those hospitals able to respond to the needs of assistance during pregnancy and childbirth and treatment for gynecological pathologies.

Within this clinical area, through the “Find a health center” tool you can find, at the moment, information relating to:

Oncology is the specialized branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of malignant tumours.

Within this clinical area, through the “Find a healthcare centre” tool, you can currently find information regarding the interventions relating to oncological pathologies that do not have an urgent character.

Among all the types of tumours that affect the population, you can search by specific oncological pathology among:

Otolaryngology is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of the so-called head-neck area, that is, the ear, nose and throat.

The ears, nose and throat are organs with different but related functions. Both the ear and the nose are sensory organs with specific functions of hearing, smell and balance, while the throat constitutes, together with the mouth, the access route for food.

Within this clinical area, through the “Find a health center” tool you can find, at the moment, the information relating to some pathologies that do not have an urgent character, by clicking on:

Structures - National Transplant Network and Regional Centres

At the regional level, the reference points of the network are the Regional (and Interregional) Transplant Centres, which coordinate donation and transplantation activities, putting into practice the organization of the National Transplantation Network in the regional and local territories, also interacting with health authorities and voluntary associations. This includes the taking in charge of patients, their placement on the waiting list and donor testing. The structures are authorised by their region to perform transplants and must comply with organizational, structural and technological requirements, for which they are subject to monitoring and checks

Reti di assistenza

Territorial Assistance

The “Find a health center” tool gives you information to find accredited public and private structures that constantly provide services (medical, nursing, palliative, rehabilitative and social services) together with hospital facilities. You can check which facilities are closest to you to receive support and care for your health needs.

Your general practitioner will assist you in adopting the most conscious and reasonable choice. Contact him for all the information you need for your health needs.

Within the “Find a health center” tool you will find 5 related areas for territorial assistance: